Assassins Creed Odyssey, The Fate of Atlantis, Summary Pt.2

Layla goes back into Atlantis, and she starts going into the animus. Alexios/Kassandra is in Atlantis in their own time period, and goes through a portal to Elysium. There Alexios/Kassandra meet a group of Elysium Soldiers. Alexios/Kassandra fights them off, and after that meets Hermes and he tells you to take a teleport-er to all over Elysium. You leave the Heart of Elysium, which is where you appeared by the portal and go to Deukalion’s Heritage region, to meet Adonis.

Tangle With Gods And The Underworld In Assassin's Creed ...

You have to do some quests for Hermes, and Adonis. You then will meet Persephone. She was Hades wife, but could not stand him, because he was rude and did not allow her to leave the Underworld.. Hades had offered Persephone to make her own land in Hades Underworld.

Next you will talk to Hecate, she is Persephone’s assistant, but she hates Persephone. Alexios/Kassandra did many tasks for Hecate as well. Hecate made Alexios/Kassandra do a very crazy task. Alexios/Kassandra was supposed to poison in the wine to the people who followed Persephone in the Symposium. You have a choice to let them drink posion or tell them its been poisoned. Either way it won’t end good.

Later on many quests from these Gods/Goddess’s you will have a quest where you will meet your grandfather. King Leonidas. You fight him to prove that you are either his Grandson or Granddaughter depending if you play as Alexios/Kassandra. You spend time with him and then leave. Later on while doing these quests you will liberate the Isu Soldiers, that are in Elysium, and get them out of Mind Controlling in Deukalion’s Heritage, Minos’s Faith, and Pheraia’s Retreat.

Then you meet with Persephone again, she tells you to either kill Leonidas, have her kill Leonidas or spare his life. You go to see him again and you may either kill him or tell him what happened. This will depend on your choice. Persephone did say you will get to either see Brasidas or Phoibe again. There will be different choies to this quest.

Then you see Hecate and her meeting with Hermes. What ever choice you make not to interrupt the meeting or not Hecate knows you were spying on her meeting and will tell Persephone a lie about you.

You go to Persephone to tell her about Hecate, but its too late. Hecate was already there. Any choice will either have Persephone against you or Persephone against Hecate. Later you find powers for your staff and you weaken Persephone’s lands. Alexios/Kasansra and Adonis starts a rebellion against Persephone and liberated soldiers fight her and her other mind controlled soldiers. Leonidas may help you as well, if you have spared his life.

Hermes will not let you fight Persephone, because he loves her. You fight Hermes and defeat him and then Persephone catches Hermes lost in battle and tells him he is weak and pathetic. Persephone kills Hermes. However when you go inside Persephone’s Palace whether you were innocent or not Persephone will banish you. Before Alexios/Kassandra gets banished Adonis, gets released from Elysium and you will go down in a hole to the land of Hades. Persephone throws a special ball, and her dog goes down the hole as well.

This ends Episode 1 of The Fate of Atlantis. You will meets Abstergos thugs, when Victoria pulls you ou of the animus. Episode 2 will be coming soon.

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